Saturday, August 3, 2013

Through The Hardest Times In Our Lives Our God WILL Deliver Us

I had a great conversation today with my friend Casey. We were both pretty frustrated with where we were at in life. I will be honest I think this is the lowest I have ever been before in my life. And I have had pretty difficult life experiences. So this leads me to the thought I had and I hope it helps someone else.

When people were at their lowest in the scriptures God delivered them! I think of the story of Shadreck Meshack and Abendigo (I probably misspelled all 3 of their names but I am too tired to look it up) they were thrown in a hot furnace. Did God desert them there? No, He delivered them. Daniel was in the lion's den, did God allow the lion to consume him. No, God again delivered Daniel. Joseph was sold into slavery but his brothers but God exalted him in the end. He did deliver him. Jonah was delivered from the belly of the whale, Noah and his family were saved from the flood and most of all our Savior was delivered and overcame death!

We are all going to have challenges in our lives. Right now my biggest ones seem to be overcoming a past of abuse, neglect and my parent's alcoholism. This hasn't been easy. But I am reminded that God ALWAYS delivers us. He also gives us more than what was taken away. Like the example of Job. God delivered Him in a might way. It took a bit longer than the 3 guys in the furnace and longer than Daniel and I sure hope longer than Jonah. But God delivered them ALL.

Don't lose hope. No matter what you are going through. Have faith that with God ALL things are possible and we are PROMISED, "ALL things work together for God for those who serve  and love the Lord." God keeps His promises. Even if it takes a little longer. Even when it feels like the trials are neverending. Even when WE reach our breaking points. He loves us perfectly. Our perfect Heavenly Father WILL deliver us all in due time. I will be honest I kind of hate the word due time. Sometimes I wish I could just find the fast forward button and fast forward the crappy parts and get to the good stuff. Yet those crappy parts build our character, they strengthen our faith and they test us. After all aren't we here to be tested and to return home to live with the Lord forever.

So just for today I will choose joy because I know no matter how long these trials last God WILL deliver me. He keeps His promises. So no matter what challenges you face. No matter what you are going through I hope that you know that He loves you perfectly and all in His time He WILL deliver you!

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