Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Facing the Truth

Facing the truth about things in our lives takes strength. It's only when we see things as they really are and not as we want them to be that we can really change. There are certain situations in my life that I have been forced to face head on. I always see the bright side of things and the good in others and most of the time it is a blessing. Other times, however, it keeps me from progressing because I am not acknowledging what really is. There is power in looking the truth straight in the eyes and healing.

Healing has been on my mind a lot lately. We all have things we need to be healed and delivered from. Some of it is physical, some emotional and some spiritual. I know our Savior has the ability to deliver us from it ALL. And healing comes in layers and it is a process that we can not move faster. It is so vital to our growth that we are patient with the process. This is such a challenge in a world where everything is fast. We go through drive thrus where we grow impatient if we have to wait more than 5 minutes for our food. A meal that use to take hours to prepare can now be thrown in the microwave and be ready to eat in 8 minutes or less. When we want to learn about a topic we don't even have to leave our house now. What use to take days to compile at a library can now be found in 10 minutes or less online. There is nothing wrong with "fast" things in our society but we have to remember that our time is not the same as the Lord's. There are so many things that I have been promised that have not come to pass yet because it is in the Lord's time and not in my own. I get frustrated when I forget that the Lord has a plan and a perfect time table for my life. We can not violate the process of healing and growth. It is a process. Can you imagine if the Lord, when He created the earth, decided to skip day 3 in creation and skip ahead to day 7 -- a day of rest -- because it sounded easier. What would we have missed in that creation? Our live is a creation too and there are always reasons why, even when we can not see or comprehend.

I am excited for a new week that is hopefully brighter and happier than this last week was. There were some tender mercies of the Lord in my life this last week which I am so grateful for! The emails, prayers, calls, package and love that has been sent on my behalf is so appreciated! I am always humbled by the love that those around me show and I am grateful that the Lord is patient with His child. Growth is not always a fun process but it is needful!

I need more truth and light in my life. In order to have that there are things I need more of and things I need less of. I am grateful that the Lord is guiding me and helping me see what I need to hang on to and what I need to let go of. He truly does have a perfect plan for our lives even though our lives aren't perfect. I am grateful for the truths I know. I truly believe in the scripture that says the truth shall set us free. Even when the truth is painful.

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