Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Blizzards of our Lives

I was thinking about this time in my life and trying to find a good comparison with it. I was taken back many Thanksgivings ago to a small town in Utah. My friend and I had driven down from Utah to Arizona. That trip was great. The weather was beautiful, I wasn't driving alone, we had a great road trip. I had a wonderful visit with friends and my grandma in Arizona and we were headed back to Utah. This time he decided to take a truck back and also took a friend back too.  I was worried when there was snow in St. George. This Arizona girl does not know how to drive in snow. I had driven in a little bit of snow locally in Provo but certainly never in a storm.

Off we were on the way home. I was driving my 2000 Dodge Intrepid, he was in an old truck. He assured me that he would stay ahead of me and I could follow. That was great until the blizzard hit. When I mean blizzard I mean absolute white out. There were many cars on the side of the road. I was terrified to say the least. As I was praying it became abundantly clear to me, we would not be making it home that night. 

Somehow I had gotten in front of him and had made the decision to turn off on the I-70. To make it worse he could text but could not call. I could call but could not text. I had to call one of my friends and tell him what to text. Then he would have to call me and read the texts. I am so grateful for the calmness of my friend doing this. I told him I was going to likely die in the storm. He assured me I wasn't. Still I was scared. I had a prayer in my heart the entire time.

When I got off the off ramp there were even more cars on the side of the road. I wanted to stop and help but I was afraid if I did my car would slide off too. I thought about stopping and waiting for my friend but that didn't feel right either. So I drove and came to Richfield, Utah. I ended up getting the last room in one of the last hotels. I was then concerned about my friends.

His truck had slid and got luckily he hit a delineator pole that kept him from going any further. Some great people stopped and picked them up. He and his friend did end up getting everything taken from the back of the truck but they had their lives. 

Today one of my friends emailed me and said he was in the middle of the storm and I sent a message back that said the Lord is with Him even through the blizzards of life. Then he sent me a message back that said the blizzards of life are worth it when you know you are going home.

That message hit me and made me reevaluate my life. Had I lost sense of where I am really going? Had I forgotten that this earth is not my home? That there are trials me must pass through to get to the other side? I think I did. Luckily I have amazing people in my life to help me when I get a little (or sometimes a lot) off track. We all have those moments where our eternal vision may get cataracts. 

I know our Heavenly Father and Savior are there through those blizzards in our lives. Through the times that we are panicky, feel overwhelmed and full of fear. Those times in life where we are holding on to the steering wheel so tightly praying we don't crash. He is there in the storm and through the storm.

The storms will pass. Winter will eventually turn into spring. But it is essential for our growth that we go through the seasons in life. We can't fast forward a season we don't like. We can learn to be patient and appreciate the blessings we do have in our lives. Every season has something beautiful. 

I remember driving in snow after that. After that experience I was not nearly as terrified. I would never wish to go through another blizzard again like that. Yet I know if I do physically again the Lord will still be with me. Just for today I choose joy by focusing on the eternal perspective and what really lays ahead.

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