Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let Them Go

I read this quote about a year ago. I was going through a huge transition period. Little did I know how much more of a transition period I would be going through now. I am still taking last night pretty hard. Logically I know I shouldn't but emotionally it cuts me to the core.

 I am done chasing after people begging them to stay in my life. I am worth so much more than that. I have a good heart, a loving spirit and I care deeply about others. If people can't see that, let them walk. Let them make room for those who can see it who I can encourage and love.

For some reason it has hit me HARD lately that I am the daughter of two alcoholic parents. I know, I know why is it hitting me now? Really I don't have a good enough answer. It is hard not to feel quite normal. Things that come naturally to so many just don't with me. I would NEVER intentionally hurt anyone. Anyone who knows me knows that. the pain is just so intense right now. Where do I fit in? Do I fit in at all? Why can't people see the good in me? I do in them. I overlook the way they act and their imperfections why can't they extend to me the same courtesy. I have been through A LOT in the last few years.

 No, I haven't been my normal, happy, optimistic, cheerful self. I would challenge ANYONE to go through what I have and emerge perfect. It is a process. Just like a butterfly in a cocoon fighting it's way out. It takes time like any other process. It isn't easy and there is opposition but what emerges is so beautiful. It is my prayer I can break out of this cocoon. Maybe Heavenly Father is clearing out who doesn't belong in my life to bring others into my life. I know what it is like to feel the betrayal of friends. I know what it is like to not have family. I know what it is like to not have my needs met. But more than that I know my Savior. I know the atonement is real. I know He understands my physical pain which can be horrific at times and my emotional pain. HE understands. No one else ever will fully understand. They can try and some do. Some try to understand and for that I am eternally grateful but only HE understands. Only He took upon Himself all of our pains our infirmities our weaknesses so He could best know how to comfort us and I am grateful for that.

So just for today I choose joy because I choose to trust what the Lord is doing in my life even if it means taking people out of it. I choose joy because I know He is preparing me for a greater purpose. I choose joy because I spoke my truth and even though it was received horribly I still did it.

Here is the excerpt from the talk I read that REALLY hit me. So many times we go running after people beginning them to stay in our lives. At least I do. I am finally at a point where I realize not everyone has to love me or even like me. In fact if I am pleasing God sometimes they won't like me or agree with me. I remember that old adage, "If you love someone set them free. If they come back they are yours. If they don't come back, they never were yours." I am done chasing guys who can't decide whether or not they want to be in my life or not. I am worth more than that. I am done chasing friends who put me down or who don't ever take time to call me back. I respect myself more now. I am done with friends who continually break promises to me. No wonder I am exhausted! But I WILL CHOOSE JOY today because the other option is a whole lot more painful!

"Let It Go" by TD Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. 

I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. 
The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19] 

People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay. 

Let them go. 

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. 

You've got to know when it's dead. 

You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay. 

Let them go!! 

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to . . . . . . . . 


If you are holding on to past hurts and pains . . . . . . . . . 


If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth . . . . . . . . 


If someone has angered you . . . . . . . . 


If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge . . . . . . . . 


If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction . . . . . . . . 


If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents . . . . . . . . . 


If you have a bad attitude . . . . . . . . 


If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better . . . . . . . . 


If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him . . . . . . . . 


If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship . . . . . . . . 


If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves . . . . . . . . 


If you're feeling depressed and stressed . . . . . . . . 


If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to . . . . . . . . 


Let the past be the past Forget the former things. GOD is doing a new thing for 2007!!! 


Get Right or Get Left. think about it, and then . . . . . . . . 


"The Battle is the Lord's!"

I am doing my best, sorry if that's isn't YOUR best!

Hello my friends! I have no clue who is reading my blog but I am not censoring my thought so who goes. Let me start by saying I am exhausted so I apologize in advance for any misspellings. Besides I am trying to remind myself that perfection is overrated right!?! Well to me it is and that is a huge " traditions of the fathers" I have had to relearn.

Normally when I blog at 3:30 am it means I haven't slept. This is not the case tonight. I woke up from a bad nightmare and decided to check my facebook. I should have let that wait until morning because let's face it EVERYTHING is better with sleep, right?!?

I was also friends with the whole family and one of his sisters that I was the closest too told me she felt like she was more like a mother to me than a sister. Honestly this broke my heart. It still hurts. No amount of anything will make the pain go away right now. I have to mourn that loss I suppose. So now I am mourning the loss of losing that family and losing my grandma. The pain is so real. It's awful.

I am FAR from perfect but whenever anything is brought to my attention I try hard to fix it. This just hurts too deeply to express in words. Maybe because I am already dealing with such a huge loss with my grandma. Maybe because I don't walk away from friendships unless I have tried many many times to fix things. Maybe because I love these people very much and can't handle the thought of not having them in my life. But it hurts. It hurts a lot.

People can't understand that as an adult child of alcoholics there are things we may have never learned before. Most have no clue how hard we are trying to heal and how painful it can be at times. Most can't comprehend what it would be like to take away their mother and daughter completely from birth, give them an alcoholic mother with multiple personalities who beat them, swore at them, called them names and then acted like a 3 yr old a 5 yr old and an 11 year because of MPD. Or then for her to go through treatment from her alcoholism and the MPD just to develop bi polar and live through that hell of her thinking munchskins were stealing the car or have her pull a knife out on them. Most of them have no idea what it is like to have nowhere to run to. And then, on top of that, to be molested every night.

Then let's go ahead and add a dad in there that all he ever does is pop in and out of your life until you are 13 (Seriously that is the very last time I saw him). He, too, was an alcoholic. Have him make promises and never keep them. And for your father to completely abandon you.

Sisters and brothers? Sorry. No go there. You are on your own kid. Your job is to raise your mom.

So when I have someone tell me they feel like they are more like a mother to me than a sister few things can hurt more. If she thinks she could live a better life than me have at it. I am exhausted emotionally and physically right now. My heart hurts so badly. I am being proactive and in counseling. I read my scriptures, say my prayers and listen to Christian music. I do the best I can to serve others when my health permits. I do ALL that I can. ALL. But if she could do it better than me she can have my life.

I am done writing about this. My blog is more like my journal. But please, I implore you, if someone is already hurting don't add rocks to their bag of pain. It hasn't even been 6 months since my grandma died. If it has to be said wait for the right time.

Right now I hate to say it but this HAS changed me. I don't want to be around anyone for now. I won't be posting on my facebook for awhile. I don't feel safe just being me. I acknowledge my many many imperfections. But man I am trying. I have been through quite a bit. I now don't know who to trust in my life and who I can't. I wish she had told me this before when she felt this way. It makes me want to give on people in general and not interact because it's too painful. It makes me wonder if people are really in my life because they love me or because they feel a duty. I don't have blood related brothers and sisters. I have always been grateful for those who have been like my brothers and sisters now I don't know how I feel about that. I just feel pain I guess.

Just for today I choose joy by having grace on myself and others and crawling back under the sheets of my bed. Tears purify the soul.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Hurt

I am not even going to pretend today. I hurt. I hurt a lot. It wasn't fun being sick on my birthday that's for sure. But what hurt even more was people forgetting it. I always try to remember birthdays. I care about the people in my life. I want them to feel loved. This birthday so many people forgot. I wish I didn't care. I wish it didn't matter. But it does and I hurt.

It's not just emotionally that I hurt. I hurt physically too. That is not related though. At least I don't think so. I keep trying SO hard and pushing forward no matter what obstacle is placed before me. I have had friends that were like family turn their backs on me. I have lost my grandma this year. I have lost any source of stability besides my Savior and I hurt.

I debated even writing this. Why should I expose my vulnerabilities? Who really even cares anyway. But today I hurt. I am trying to find that peace and sometimes elusive joy. Maybe that is enough. Maybe it's enough to just keep trying. Maybe it's enough to pick myself up every time I fall. Maybe.

Just for today I choose to try. I choose to try when I want to quit. I choose to try when it seems pretty bleak and hopeless. I choose to try. Maybe deeper than that I choose to be. I choose to still be the daughter of God I was placed on earth to be. Even when I fail miserably. Yes I choose to be and I choose to try.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sometimes Our Plans Just Have To Be Adjusted

Life has a way of surprising you sometimes no matter how well laid out your plans are. This happened to me this week. My birthday was on the 18th. I was excited to start this year out strong. I had set these goals and more and I was ready.

Well the night before I started feeling kind of sick. No big deal, I thought, after all I do have endometriosis and sometimes I get super nauseated and am in pain. I tried to sleep but to no avail. The next morning after no sleep I felt even worse. Then I started projectile vomiting. Luckily I made it to the toilet. I was very sick. I get nauseated often and I vomit. For those who don't know what endo is: 1) It is NOT contagious so you don't need to worry about getting it from me. 2) It is partly caused by a hormonal imbalance which can make you nauseated at times between the odd hormones and the pain. 3) It is tissue that attaches itself to random places in your body. 4) It is extremely painful. There is much more but from that list you can see why I thought it was most likely endo.

So I have already broken some of those goals. Luckily I am feeling better today just exhausted. I am on anti nausea meds which are helpful. Thank God for zofran and phenergan. But now it is time for me to pick myself up again and keep moving forward.

I am learning a lot about progression. I am a huge perfectionist. I don't ever demand it from anyone else but I do for myself. It's silly because perfection is simply not attainable in this life. Often with perfectionism comes and all or nothing mentality. Either I have to do it perfectly all of the time or not do it at all. I am JUST beginning to see that and overcome that. Whatever you struggle with, it's okay to make mistakes sometimes. It's part of life. But the real test is how you handle those mistakes. Do you let them get you down for a long time and just give up on your goals? Or do you get up as quick as possible, dust yourself off and recommit to your goals and progress?

This is such an interesting season in my life. I can feel HUGE changes like I have never felt before. There are so many changes I am making in my life and many more to come. I realize every day that I have so much to be grateful for. It is so easy to see what is lacking right now in my life. I don't just mean materialistically. For me things are just things. Although I always feel secure when I have what I need. But it goes much deeper than that. I want to be a wife and mom. I want this more than anything. Right now I have to be content with what has been allotted to me and at times that is very hard. Some people tell me just to get over it but my guess is they have a mom and a dad and sisters and brothers and other family members. I am VERY grateful for my cousins who I love and adore. I am grateful for an aunt on my mom's side that I love. I am grateful for my aunt and uncle on my dad's side who are amazing to me and I feel blessed to have them in my life. It's just hard sometimes and that's okay. I don't know why people freak out when I am truthful about how I am feeling but this is my life.

I really really missed my grandma over my birthday. We always spent it together. When my mom was alive our tradition was always to celebrate our birthdays together. My mom's birthday was in July too. We would go to Red Lobster which was our family favorite. It still is one of my favorites but not quite as amazing as the Melting Pot. After my mom died my grandma and I still went to Red Lobster. It was our tradition. I am grateful that this year my best guy friend Derrick took me to Red Lobster for an early birthday celebration. I am so grateful for my friendship with him over the years. He is a great man. I also love his wife. I love his whole family and feel blessed. It was so thoughtful of him to take me there.

I am working really hard right now on living a truly authentic life. Not everyone is really on board with this choice. People are use to me just going along with how they feel or holding my own feelings inside but I have found that by doing so that destroys me. I have been a people pleaser from a VERY early age. With an alcoholic mom you learn to plaster a smile on your face and act like everything is okay. Now I am realizing that everything is NOT okay. And, as weird as this sounds, I am realizing that even that is okay. If my friends can't accept me for me then they aren't true friends to begin with. As long as I am not hurting other people's feelings (which I am not, I am so mindful of that) then it is okay if my opinion or belief is different than theirs. It doesn't make either one of us right or wrong.

There is a lot of healing to be done but I am doing it. I have truly learned that I CAN do hard things. I am doing hard things. I have done hard things my whole life. It isn't easy all of the time. In fact it rarely is but if I am to be who God intends me to be I have to trust Him and let Him lead me. Even if people don't agree with my choices. It doesn't matter. I am sure people didn't agree with Noah building an ark. I am sure most thought he was silly. I am sure few had confidence that David would kill Goliath. By all accounts this never should have happened. Goliath was much bigger than David. But Goliath was no match for David's faith. I am sure everyone thought Daniel would die when he was thrown into the lion's den but he didn't. God's plan for his life was much stronger than those who planned his demise.

I am in no way comparing myself to these amazing men. But I do believe that when we are doing what is right not everyone will agree. I remember when I made the choice to move to Utah. Hardly anyone was supportive. It definitely wasn't what I had planned for my life. All I was planning on doing was going to Women's Conference for those few days and visiting my dear friend Emily who is truly a sister to me. The interesting thing too was that it was a spur of the moment decision to even go to Women's conference. I had always wanted to go but the timing was always off because I was in school. But this year I decided to go.

As I was sitting through the first day of class I had a feeling I needed to move to Utah. Utah was the one place I told the Lord I would never live. Be really careful what you tell the Lord you will never do. That may very well be what is required of you! After the first day I came home and told Emily. Em has always been supportive and she told me to just keep praying about it. That is exactly what I did. I went the second day and the feeling got stronger. By the end of the week I found a room for rent for only $150 a month including utilities for the summer. Yes you read that right only $150! The former roommate had gotten married but still had her lease for summer so she paid half and I paid half. At this point I hadn't even met my roommates.

My friend of many years (I think we are almost at 20 now) lived right down the street from me. He and I had met in youth guides and also served our two week mission together. It was great having him so near. So I spent a little more time in Utah and then went back to Arizona. I was a bit nervous to tell my friends. I knew just about everyone would be a bit disappointed. There were so many different comments I got. I will just say that most of them were not exactly supportive of me moving to Utah. My grandma was probably the most vocal.

Again it was never my plan to move and certainly not then. So I came back to Arizona and saw my friends. I put what I needed to in storage and right before I moved I ran into a lot of opposition. One was literal. My friend was vaccuming and I went under the cord and ran straight into her coach. I needed 4 stitches right above my eye. (Oh and head wounds bleed like crazy) Her daughter was also in the hospital and since her daughter was like my niece I had to wait and make sure she made it out okay. Then I was finally ready to leave. My friend Jon (who was the one who I would be right around the corner from in Utah) decided to drive up with me. We had fun stopping along the way and picking flowers while cows stared at us. (I kid you not, I have the pictures, they are hilarious!) I was super sad to be leaving behind my friends and venturing into the completely unknown universe of Provo, Utah. Trust me when I say it has a culture all of it's own.

When I got there I couldn't have been blessed with better roommates. My roommate Catherine and I were especially close. Ashley and I also had fun with our phase 10 marathons! In addition to great  roommates, there was a house of guys that lived kitty corner from us. We had SO much fun with them! The ward was great. At this point though I still had no clue WHY I was suppose to be there. I was having a blast with my friends that I felt I had known all of my life but the whys still lingered in my mind.

By August I was beginning to worry. I knew I had to find a job and fast. I had met an owner of a scrapbook company who was really interested in my scrapbook pages and the color schemes I used. She wanted me to submit cards I had made. There was only one problem. I didn't make cards at that point of my life. (Now it seems like that's all I make) I did my best and turned them in but wasn't sure if I would get the job or not. I think I spent more on buying supplies from this particular brand than what I ever would have gotten paid.

A week later my dear friend Julie was in town. I had known Julie for several years before that. We had done a lot of pro family work together especially for International Voice for Youth. I had served as the Arizona chapter president and she had served as the ASU chapter president. We had become very close during that time. She wanted me to meet her friend Patrice who had a non profit organization. To make a long story short she ended up hiring me to be the Director of Operations for the Family Caucus. It was a perfect fit because I was only one math class short of having my degree in Family and Human Development.

My first job for her was scanning in business cards. Then I got a call from her that she was in New York at the National Republican Convention and she wanted me to fly down there and spend a few days with her, David (who I would later be working with) and Julie was also down there. That was an amazing experience I will never forget! The rest of the time I mainly researched issues impacting the family and attended local conferences.

The next year I went to CEDAW at the UN. CEDAW stands for the Convention to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women. Boy were my eyes opened at the UN. I saw some miracles happen. I also saw the scripture, "wo unto them who call light darkness and darkness light." come alive. It was also the epitome of secret combinations. I had the chance to talk to delegates about the importance of families and the sanctity of life. I sat through 5 1/2 hour meetings exhausted but it was amazing.

It was at that point I realized WHY I was in Utah. It wasn't all fun, in fact most of it was hard work. Yet this is work I am passionate about so it was worth it to me.

So what is my point sharing this incredibly long story? We will all have times in our lives when the Lord asks us to do something and we have no idea WHY. Others around us may mock us or openly disagree with what we are doing but if we know that God has asked it of us, nothing else should matter. The pieces won't always come together as easily as they did for me. This was one of those burning bush experiences in my life. I had the choice of whether or not I moved to Utah but I knew if I didn't it would extremely alter the course of my life.

This is a time and season in my life where I feel the same thing. Although I am not quite sure what will be required of me or when I am preparing myself to be ready emotionally, physically, spiritually and in every other aspect. I can see how much those experiences prepared me for life now.

Those who know me know how imperfect I am. I constantly fall short of the mark. The beauty of God's grace is that He doesn't just make up the difference He is ALL the difference. On my own I know I can't accomplish what He asks of me but with Him by my side ALL things are possible.

Just like I felt right before my grandma died the verse in the Bible that says, "ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord.". It is true. Also just as the Spirit whispered during that tumultuous time, "Debbie what part of ALL don't you understand?" That is true too. There are no exemptions. No one has fallen too far away from His mercy and grace. We are the ones who keep ourselves from it.

If you happen to be reading this it is no accident. Our loving Father in Heaven has BIG plans in store for you too. Many times they will take you out of your comfort zone and stretch your growth. But always remember He loves you and knows what is best for you. He is there through the good and the bad.

Just for today I choose to remember the Lord keeps all of His promises. I choose to follow HIS plan for my life even when it's not nearly what I had planned. I choose to trust Him even when it's hard. I choose to believe healing is on the way. Just for today I choose to remember that I am His daughter and He loves me and will never abandon me. That brings me great JOY!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

When it's time to change

I guess since it's past midnight today is technically my birthday. I have decided not to focus on this year that is gone but rather on an entire new year. A year of new beginnings. I feel like this will be the most powerful year of my life. Although I feel a bit like Peter Brady in the episode where his voice was changing and it cracks as he sings, "When it's time to change you've got to rearrange." in that voice that keeps cracking. Yes there is a time appointed to change and, for me. that time is now. This all sounds great but HOW am I going to change? I have decided to set a few goals that I will make public. Of course I will set some private ones too. :)

Okay. Set. Go. This is going to be a very interesting year. I am changing things in every aspect of my life. Here are some of my goals:


* Completely eliminate gluten from my diet for a year. 
* Begin exercising daily


* Read scriptures every night without missing a day
* Read The Bible, The Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants all the way through
* Start every morning praying to do the will of the Lord


* Finish writing my book, "The Path Back Home"
* Graduate from ASU with my Bachelor's in Family and Human Development with a minor in Sociology


* Stick through counseling even when it gets to the hard things
* Continue to seek out alternative therapy to heal


* Become more organized
* Each week evaluate my goals and decide what I need to improve on and how I am progressing. Keep a written account of this. 

So these are the goals. Of course they may be revised but I really want to stick as closely as I can to these. I am trying to keep it pretty simple so I don't get overwhelmed.

I talked to the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Science. I have been so nervous since the one I was working with retired and I am dealing with someone completely different. It looks like my Spring semester will be 100% backdated to the first day of class so I am good there but I am still a bit worried about Fall. I know I did the best I could but it's still hard sometimes. I love the quote by Maya Angelou, " Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know betterdo better."  This is so true. I am always looking to do better and be better but sometimes I just have to be content and do my best. Then I can have faith that I will learn a better way and do better. Sometimes it is just hanging on until then.

I am excited for a new year full of change. Change usually scares me but these changes are long past due. I am learning that I can either live in fear (which isn't really fully living) or I can choose faith. It's still not easy but most of the time I remember to choose faith. Really what I have been through the last few years has shown me that I can make it through anything. It has revealed my strengths and my greatest weaknesses. It has shown me what I still need to heal but has taught me to not become too overwhelmed with it all. Life is a journey. There are no fast forward buttons or rewind buttons. There are no pause or stop buttons. All we have is play which is good because I love to play! :)

I this year will bring more peace, joy, intimacy with those I love, security and true happiness. Just for today I choose to change. I am the only one who can control the choices I make in my life. I will choose joy. I will choose love. I will choose light. And when I make mistakes I will choose to make a U turn like I have been doing my whole life and get on the right track. I am learning to do this quicker which is true progress!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Name Is Debbie And I Am The Adult Daughter of An Alcoholic

It is hard to say those words. Especially to people I don't even know who are reading this but it is time. This is what I shared on my facebook and I wanted to share it here: I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My mom died 14 years ago today. I am at a point in my life where I am really facing the truth. She died of chronic alcohol use. Yes I am a daughter of 2 alcoholics. But I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. The only thing that has given me the strength to make it through the trials in my life is my personal experiences with my Savior. I know He is real. I know He loves me. I know He is in the business of changing not only individual lives but families. I know that through my choices I can purify my family lineage. It isn't easy. Some days are harder than others. But I am grateful for the power the atonement gives me to try harder and when I make mistakes to draw closer to my Savior. I am posting this so other people won't feel alone. Also as a reminder that whatever family we come from doesn't have to determine where we go in life. We can be the one to break the unhealthy patterns.

There is I said it. Why did I say it? Why now? The answer is simple. To help other people not feel so alone. To help even those who don't have alcoholism or drug addiction or any addiction for that matter in their family to know that there is still much to be done to heal previous generations. God has promised us great blessings if we choose to honor Him and break unhealthy patterns. 

It is not easy. Being the daughter of two alcoholics, definitely took it's toll at times. I was responsible for things at a way too early age. Perfection was also always stressed and although I did do well in school (barring math), I didn't always get As. It is part of the reason I had an eating disorder.

Outside looking in, you would have never known. I learned at an early age that you slap a smile no your face no matter what is happening at home. You learn to smile through the most challenging circumstances. I think it throws doctors off when I am in horrendous pain and yet I appear normal. Old patterns are hard to die. I still have a hard time not putting on an act that everything is okay when I am hurting. I am grateful for friends like family who can see past those walls. 

Last week I had a crazy day. I was just feeling emotionally drained after the ER being complete jerks and then the bank acting the same. I came home and the toilet overflowed. Thank goodness for people who talked me off the ledge. I just broke down and cried. I am still dealing with my grandma's death and my childhood which can be hard at times. I am grateful for my friends who talked my off that ledge. There was a metal thing on the side where I guess you turn the water off. She was absolutely floored that I had never heard of it or done it. I disolved in tears.

As I was wiping up the mess with towels, it just made me wonder how many more basic skills have I missed? Even though I try so very hard. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong. There is so much I didn't learn as the daughter of a mentally ill alcoholic. But I am learning now. It is never too late to learn.

I didn't have any plans for this blog. But I feel it can help others not feel alone so feel free to share it. I know the path Children of Alcoholics, mentally, physically, sexually, and emotionally abusive parents have. But don't lose hope. Change is possible. Forget one day at a time. I need the grace of God one hour, one minute, one second of a time. I am grateful for His influence in my life as I start this journey. That He is gracious when I fall and His love never fails!