Saturday, November 30, 2013


I couldn't let this month end without talking about Thanksgiving and the power of gratitude in our lives. This has been an interesting year for me. I have faced the death of my grandma and health issues I never thought I would. But I have learned more than ever before the power in being grateful. I have seen incredible blessings and answers to prayers.

Years ago, my friend and I would play what I called, "The Happy Game". Basically if something went wrong we would say 5 things that could have happened that would have been worse. I did this recently. I was amazed at all of the things I could find to be grateful for. I know the Lord loves a grateful heart ad I am working harder to express and be more grateful.

I now realize how truly blessed I am. I have deep faith in a Heavenly Father who loves me and knows me personally. I have the power of blessings in my life and scriptures and prayer. I have people who love and care about me and see my needs. I am grateful for every experience I have had in my life. The bitter and the sweet ones.

So instead of trying to find the fast forward button through this season in life. (I have tried, trust me when I say it doesn't exist.) I will find JOY. I will be GRATEFUL. I will understand that the Lord is preparing me for eternity and some bumps and bruises are all part of what I signed up for.

Normally I set goals on the 1st of the year. This year I am doing it a bit differently. I decided to start December 1st. I am going off sugar, eating vegetables and fruits and basically redoing and rethinking everything in my life. I am also going to read the standard works in one year. Anyone want to do this with me? I am excited for change.

I am going to work harder in this year to be grateful. To not forget how much the Lord has blessed me with. To find joy amid the junk in life. Just for today I choose joy by choosing to be grateful.

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