Wednesday, January 9, 2013

An Intro To This Blog

It has been years since I have written in a blog. So why start this blog again? It is because this year I am choosing JOY to focus on. I want more joy in my life. I want to live in the present moment and find joy in the moment rather than just hoping it will happen at a different stage in my life. I believe we are here to have joy.

This is a huge year for me. One of rebuilding and healing. I hope my experiences can help other people heal. My hope is to remind those who are hurting that life is still good. That even though our lives may not have turned out how we planned there is still joy to be found every day. I am also writing a book on healing.

For those that don't know me I am 2 classes away from my Bachelor's in Family Studies and Human Development from ASU. I come from a highly dysfunctional family. I have deeply examined family patterns and made choices on how to change and break these patterns. I want to give others hope. If I can break them so can you. I hope that I can provide some resources to help you in your process of healing and in your process of finding joy. Joy truly helps us heal. When we are focused on joy we find more hope. It also opens  our hearts to the Light of Christ to help us become whole again.

I would appreciate feedback if you feel so inclined. Even if there is a certain area you may wonder about. Ask me and I will try to address it.

I hope you all enjoy this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find joy this year! I made joy a goal one year and learned a lot. The greatest joy I ever found was when I really discovered how to apply the atonement in my life. Don't be too hard on yourself when you have times of sadness, despair, or depression though. That won't mean your resolution is a failure. Continue thinking of yourself as a joyful person. "For in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full"D&C101:36
